This is the main set for the Von Trapp living room, I took it from the wings so you can't see the other furniture which is placed downstage from here.
This is the outside of the Von Trapp home. What you can't see downstage from this is a "marble" bench, and a patio table and chairs.
And here are all of the nuns in the play, I'm the third nun in the back row :o)
I've been craving the opportunity to learn music and script, choreography, rehearse, perform, and party with people who enjoy those same things as well. I've been craving it for almost 10 years, and it is feeling so good to do this for myself!
Spencer has been wonderful and making sure to be home at 5 every night so I can fly out the door and come home 6 hours later, taking care of the kids, doing all the bedtimes and a lot of the dinner times, and forgoing his own evenings out so that I can work on this play. Thank you honey!
We have 4 performances left, then set strike, and then I'm done. I'm looking forward to sleeping again some day soon, but I'll be sad when it's all over. We have performances tonight through sunday night. info at !
enjoy this local newspaper article about the play, photos were taken a few days before we opened.
and some photos taken for the paper, some are very silly.