Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Wishful Wednesday

Now, not that you can tell by the lack of picture, but...

It's Wishful Wednesday!

I wish I wasn't having internet problems... they're not much fun when you blog.

I wish I could keep my schedule straight! I missed a get-together with a dear friend who now lives on the east coast!  I totally forgot!

I wish 3-year-olds weren't so tough to live with at times! My new quote: "Three-year-olds - you can't live with 'em, you can't give 'em away!"

Your turn!  What are you wishing for?  Hoping for?


Anonymous said...

I found three year olds come back to normal at exactly age 5. Hang in there, you do get the little sweeties back to where they were. This is the time we learn patience at it's best.

I wish for all things to be terrific with everyone.

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