Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Wishful Wednesday

~ After a super busy weekend I am tired!  So I wish I could get a job as a career napper!  That's a real job right?  I'll have to start looking ;o)

~ I wish someone could come over and organize my house for me!  I like organizing things, but have found throughout the years that organizing my own stuff is much less fun.  But then I'm not sure I'd like how they did it and that might make me uncomfortable.  ah well.

~ I wish kids always had their listening ears turned on!

Your turn!  I'd love to hear what you're wishing for/hoping for!


Prairie Mother said...

I wish kids had their ears turned on too! I swear they are all deaf :)

I wish my husband weren't 800 miles away.

I wish Action Hero Stunt Double was a suitable career choice for a mother of three. Ah, here's to wishing!

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