Sunday, January 2, 2011

Happy New Year!


We had a nice, low-key new years eve again this year.  I love going out for NYE but when you have kids it can be difficult to find someone to watch them that night, so often times we end up staying in.

This year we invited a couple people over, but the weather was terrible and we ended up with all the food to ourselves.

I made two recipes from Glamerous Life of a Housewife's blog, the bacon-wrapped lil smokies, and the jalapeno popper dip... both were delicous!

I also bought pizza rolls but since we were on our own with the dip and the smokies, we never got to the pizza rolls.

We wound up watching tv, playing Rockband, watching a movie (can't remember what one now), Spence played some world of warcraft, and I took a nap... yep, I was a real party animal that night.

Sweet Pea was sleeping over at a friends house for a birthday party, so it was just Babydoll and Little Man home with us.  Babydoll was invited to the birthday party too, but I didn't think she was ready for the sleep-over part yet, so at 8:30 I headed over to pick her up.  But only after a frantic search for my keys.

Spence and I were looking everywhere for those stinkin keys, turns out they were in my jeans pocket the whole time.  He wasn't too pleased at my loss of brain function, and even less pleased when a similar keys incident happened the next morning... sorry honey!

Maybe I should have asked for better memory for Christmas?  Ah well, my birthday is coming up next week.  Dear God, can I have a better memory for my birthday? Thanks! Love, Abby.

Once home Babydoll sampled a few of the lil smokies and went to sleep easily.  Then at 11:55 we woke her up, handed her a wine glass of juice (which she immediately drank and needed a refill) and we waited for the ball to drop.

Spence asked her at 11:58, "Do you know what day it is in two minutes?"  Babydoll responded with a smile, "Christmas Eve!".  Um, sorry kiddo.  Apparently she thought she was being woke up to see Santa. :o)

We watched the required Dick Clark countdown, yelled Happy New Year, clinked glasses, took a drink of our juice, and gave our new years kisses. 

Babydoll went to back to bed easily, as did Spencer and I. 

I didn't make a new years resolution, I'll explain why tomorrow.  Basicly I'm no good at them and prefer my personal growth/goals to happen throughout the year through personal reflection.  But that's just me.

Resolution or not, this year has the potential to be amazing (especially if quit losing my keys) and I hope it will be!
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