Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Little Man, Just Minutes Old

I don't feel like blogging today.  I'm trying to get used to the fact that my baby will be a one-year-old in 5 days.  5 DAYS???  Heaven help me!  So instead of writing much, I'm going to post a picture of my Little Man.  In fact, maybe I'll post a picture of him every day this week as I gear up for his birthday!  Maybe not, we'll see.
This is baby Little Man, minutes old.  I had barely even met him, as I was being sewn up after the c-section.  I love this picture.  I love how he is lovingly cuddling his Daddy's hand.  I love that he is so comfortable and happy while he's waiting for his Mommy to get sewn up and wheeled to a room.  Only minutes old and I swear I see a smile there.

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