It's about time I put up some craft photos! Last week's theme was about winter and we made snowflakes out of paper, glue, and silver or blue glitter. Babydoll chose blue. First I gave them a square piece of white printer paper and helped them fold it into gradually smaller triangles. Next they cut little triangles out of the sides of the folded paper being careful not to cut completely down any one side, and cut off the tips of the three triangle points. Babydoll hadn't made one since a year ago so she was completely delighted when she unfolded her paper and found herself looking at a giant snowflake! After opening up their paper and delighting in what a few randomly placed snips could do, it was time to bling it up! They took a bottle of glue (with the top only half open) and put glue wherever they wanted on the snowflake. BD tends to want to make big puddles of glue when you hand her a glue bottle, so I helped her with the glue. For some reason I only have a glitter container with holes in the top for sprinkling for the multicolored glitter, so I poured their chosen glitter color in a small cup, left their snowflake on the big piece of paper they were working with it on, and let them sprinkle the glitter by hand. This is, sadly, the only step in the process I got pictures of.

I took lots of pictures of this step
See the faded Big Bird tattoo on her arm? Her aunty Allie took her to see Elmo and Grover at a bank in our town, she got prizes!
And the finished products...
Babydoll's is on the left, Sweet Pea in the middle, and one of my daycare kids made the one on the right.
This week is about people in other parts of the world, today the focus was on Japan. During art time they made Carp Kites. Proud Momma moment, this was BD's best cutting so far!!
Babydoll started coloring her carp, but was in a hurry to glue on her streamers so she quit.
After making their "kites" they had a blast flying them around the house!
I love the crafts. We are SO making snowflakes tomorrow. I have glitter glue sitting around that we never use. BTW Baby Doll is so cute in all these pictures. The cutest little "model" to show off all your projects!
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