Monday, January 25, 2010

My Oldest Girl is Awesome Part 2

Like I said before, my oldest girl is awesome!  After graduating to her gold belt last friday night, she attended her karate school's board breaking seminar.  Each student would be able to try 2 different methods of breaking a board... a real board!  She chose "hammer fist" and her foot.

this picture was snapped by Babydoll, Sweet Pea is waiting in line to break a board with her fist.

She's up next!  She and her friend are watching the girl ahead of her break a board, she wasn't even nervous (but I think her friend was!)

Sweet Pea's turn!  Fighting Stance, bend your knees and aim for the floor, not the board.  You need to tell your fist to go all the way to the floor or you won't have enough power.


she had a hard time breaking the board with her fist.  She would get nervous at the last second and slow down her "hammer fist".  After several attempts the instructor took her hand and they chopped a board together.


Here are the boards she broke with her fist

Unfortunately I wasn't quick enough or close enough to get a picture of her breaking a board with her foot, but she did it all on her own, without fear, and with great pride!
Here it is!

Yep, I'll say it again, she's awesome!


Jeni said...

Way to go Sweet Pea!

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